Tuesday 25 June 2013

Working in Cottage roof space

Emergency Repairs to the roof cant wait.

The new roofing material arrives today, so there is a lot of work to be done carefully removing the old sheets and repairing the timber trusses and purlins. Fun fun fun!
Rainwater was coming in through the roof, melting the mud bricks and mortar.

Sunday 23 June 2013

The "Rest-a-While" Tea Room

While of course the cottage is in need of the most work, the shop on the farm is also very special. I am told it used to be called the "Rest-a-While tea room, and people would drive out on a Sunday afternoon for scones and cream.

Monday 10 June 2013

Thanks to Volunteers

The response to the call to help save Kok's Cottage has been overwhelming. People are volunteering their time and their special skills. I just took a call now from an old friend who is able to re-do the damaged window and door frames to match the originals. What can you contribute? Spread the word. What can your friends contribute? We will make this happen. Remember our 2 week "volunteer camp" starts on Saturday 22 June 2013. Its gonna be cold, its gonna be hard work, but its all worth while.

Sunday 9 June 2013


Spotted this little Bushbuck over the road from the farm today. The amount of wild life is quite surprising.

Thursday 6 June 2013

Kok's Cottage Crumbles

We found the cottage in a severe state of disrepair - some of the bricks are mud bricks other on kiln burnt clay bricks with mud and lime mortar.

the rain coming in though the holes in corrugated iron roof has got to the walls and is causing them to "dissolve".

I fear the whole house could very soon come crashing down.