I did not get a
chance to watch the State of the Nation address last night. Things were a
little busy. I made a presentation to a community meeting in Gqebera about a
project, then Hlubi and I went to a function at the Radisson Hotel, introducing
their new chef. But when we go back home we watched some of the footage from
the debacle. The EFF were forcibly thrown out of Parliament, the DA walked out
in protest. The discussion this morning on Facebook and Twitter is about how irresponsible
it is for the EFF to walk out and to be disruptive. I am not that interested in
politics. I get the sense that the energy I may commit there is so indirectly
applied. My feeling is that I should be making more direct action right now. I
am interested though in the principles, the fundamental laws that are
illustrated by everyday events like the EFF being “goose-stepped” out of
Parliament. Because we see this again and again around the world, when a
dominant group abuses its power, those that resist them are left with no
alternative but to break the rules. We saw this with Apartheid, where the
inflexibility of the National Party, lead to the ANC eventually resorting to
the armed struggle, “breaking the rules”. We saw this will the Palestinian
Liberation Organisation “breaking the rules” in its response to Israel evicting
Palestinians from their homeland. More recently we have we seen AL Qaeda and
Osama bin Laden broke the rules very dramatically, flying passenger airlines
into the World Trade Centre, breaking even the rules of international
terrorism. These acts of “breaking
rules” are a pattern that repeats itself again and again no matter how far back
in history you would choose to look. Oppression by the powerful will inevitably
result in revolt, and very often the revolt is violent and ugly. Where the
powerful have been successful in holding onto their power is where they have
set up process, that make those that have less power feel included, to feel as
if though there is remote chance that by participating in the processes that
they will be able to impact the way things are. The other thing successful
powerful groups have over the millennia, is to exercise grace and restraint.
They have not wielded all the power they have been able to wield; instead they
directed a fraction of this power to making sure their citizens were happily
distracted. The Romans built the coliseum to house the gladiators, the
Americans built Hollywood to house the movie industry.
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Our Calves at Wittlekleibos |
The point that
becomes clear is that a hungry, unhappy population that feels that is not being
taken seriously, is a very serious threat to the entire system. (including the
unhappy population that are a part of it) The dynamic between the powerful and
the powerless is governed by fundamental dynamics. It is governed by a “law”.
This is a law that applies to the way people live together, but it runs much
deeper, it applies to the way organisms live together and interact. You see, the
fundamental law that applies to these relationships is Law of the farm number
9: “The fence works because the bull
chooses to stay behind it.”
There was a time (before I owned my own livestock) when I
believed that the fences I saw between the cattle on the side of the road and
the highway that sped past on, was what was keeping the animals from wondering
into the traffic. I was wrong. A cow is an incredibly big animal; it can weigh
500 kg and more. If it decides that it would rather be on the other side of the
five strands of wire that divide it from where it would want to be, then it
will jump over, or walk through. Believe me I have seen this happen in front of
my eyes, many times. In fact when I first began to buy calves to build our
cattle herd, I was amazed at how these seemingly docile creatures were able to
be such accomplished escape artists. My strategy then was to buy three month
old calves that had just been weaned from their mother. I had negotiated to
make use of some land in Tsitsikama, where Hlubi’s family had some historical
connections to community land that had been returned to the community by the
government. It’s a long story, but Hlubi’s
mother’s family is part of the Mfengu grouping, who were granted land by the
British in the 1800’s in exchange for loyal service as mercenaries during the
hundred year Frontier wars that raged in the eastern cape between the British
and the Xhosa. The Mfengu were forcibly removed from the land by the apartheid government
in the 1970s, but returned (in part) in the 1990’s when the democratic
government came into power.
In 2009 we put
our first nine calves onto grazing in Tsitsikama. Hlubi and I negotiated with
Rasi, the “Isibonda”, the headman. He agreed that we could make use of the
“Bull Camp” until such time as our calves were completely self-sufficient and
no longer taking the nutrient rich pellets they were being fed every evening.
We were very pleased to have access to the “Bull Camp” because of all the
hundred and seventy two hectares that make up the Wittekleibos farm, which was
home to the Mfengu community, this one hectare camp was by far the most secure,
with very sturdy fences. It was the camp that the prize breeding bull would be
secured in and into which cows would be brought in order for the bull to do his
business without too much running around all over the extensive grassland.
The calves
seemed content enough as they were released into the camp. They had been raised
by a redheaded farmer just ten kilometres up the road. His name is Gerhard. He
is maybe ten years younger than me, but insists calling me “Oom” in the
respectful tone reserved for when one speaks to elders. Gerhard’s business
model is to buy these calves in from farmers in the district that have no need
for them, usually because they are running dairies and find the calves to be an
unnecessary inconvenience to their operations. Gerhard takes great care to then
rear these calves by hand, initially bottle feeding them three times a day and
then slowly introducing pellets and grass.
By sunset on the
day that they arrived, the calves were beginning to become restless and noisy. “Mooing”
loudly at the top of their voices and pacing up and down the fence line. One by
one each of the them found some way through the fence and were headed up the
gravel road toward where they must have believed Gerhard’s farm was. When they
were chased back into the Bullcamp (not an easy job to chase nine belligerent,
single minded calves in the opposite direction to which they have got their
minds set on) they would settle for a few minutes only to be headed up the
gravel road toward the national highway again. The problem was only resolved by
enclosing the calves in a very small; completely escape proof kraal for two
weeks. By that time they were settled and had come to accept that this was now
their new home.
Now years later,
when I drive past the Bull Camp at Tsitiskama and see the giant majestic
glistening bull gently lounging behind the fence, I know that he is behind that
fence (that can’t even hold in my puny weaner calves) only because he chooses
to be behind it. If the bull were so much as lean on the fence he would flatten
it. He could leap over it without
building up a sweat. Of course this is so completely true of us and our
everyday lives whether we live in the city or the farm. We all, in some way or
another live out our lives behind barriers that we choose not to challenge. We
stay in our jobs, we stay in the suburbs and townships we were born into, we
stay in our relationships and or in our circle of friends. Sometimes we even
complain that we are contained and limited by the “fences” of class or family
or race or gender or education, but seldom do we challenge the “fences”.
The bull does
not challenge the fences because the farmer makes sure he has enough water and
grazing (and a willing cow now and again). By giving a little to the bull, the
farmer makes his own life easier, and spends very little of his time driving up
and down looking for runaway bulls. Where the farmer becomes greedy though,
perhaps rather using the bull camp to build a shopping centre and constraining
the bull to a small enclosure, without grazing or water or cows, he will find
the bull becomes unhappy and becomes determined to be elsewhere. Our society is
a little like this. An angry population becomes determined to break the rules
(perhaps like the EFF in parliament) To respond by sending in armed police or building
higher fences around the secure complexes of the rich is to not understand the
The truth is
that the poor and hungry don’t need very much to remain placated and stay
within the boundaries that the rich and powerful have historically set for
them. The rich and powerful elites know that if the poor and hungry challenge
the boundaries and run amok they become a great danger to the order of things.
This law is fundamental. Every society that has tried for extended periods of
time to make the lives of the miserable more miserable than what can be
tolerated has paid the price in a big way. A wise farmer knows not to abuse the
power he holds over his animals and in the same way wise powerful elites will
only survive if they know this to be true of the economy and the politics that
gives order to it. That’s just the way things are; it’s the law of the farm.
In fact it is quite easy for the elite to
contain the masses and the individuals that make up the masses when these
masses have no vision; when they have no idea of a place they would rather be.
Even a heavy powerful bull will wither away in a field with just a little
grazing and some muddy water. The calves in my story are however a different matter
altogether. Presented with the same grazing and the same water that was good
enough for the bull, they were not content. They “knew” they belonged somewhere
else. The knowledge made them challenge the fences. And so it is with us. The few
that do challenge the boundaries and limitations are those that know where they
want to be and believe that they belong in that other place beyond what is
currently appearing to constrain them. I
suppose my calves who believed so strongly that they belonged back at Gerhard’s
farm, that they were prepared to challenge and to overcome the fences that
contained even the biggest and strongest bulls of Wittekleibos. So too, it is a clear vision we need to develop in our
minds that must drive an unwavering passion and desire to be beyond those
factors that we have come to believe are limiting us. This is the way we will
become free, because this is an observed and recorded fundamental law of the
human condition and a fundamental and observed law of the farm.